Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs Page 26
Gacy, John Wayne
Garcia, Mario
Generation Ecstasy(Reynolds)
Generation X
Ghost World
“Girlfriend” (Sweet)
Glass Houses(Joel)
Gleiberman, Owen
“Glory Days” (Springsteen)
GNR Lies(Guns N’ Roses)
Godfather, The,
Gony, Kelly
“Goodnight Saigon” (Joel)
Gosselaar, Mark-Paul
Graham, Sylvester
Guns N’ Roses; tribute band
Gyllenhaal, Jake
Hagar, Sammy
Halberstam, David
Hamill, Mark
Happy Days
Haskins, Dennis
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, A (Eggers)
“Helter Skelter” (Beatles)
Henderson, Gerald
Hitchcock, Alfred
homeless people
“Honesty” (Joel)
Houses of the Holy (Led Zeppelin)
Hurley, Elizabeth
“I Don’t Want to Be Alone Anymore” (Joel)
“I’m Goin’ Down” (Springsteen)
“Immigrant Song” (Led Zeppelin)
“Instant Pleasure” (Wainwright)
Internet; pornography
“It’s So Easy” (Guns N’ Roses)
“It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me” (Joel)
Iverson, Allen
“Jack and Diane” (Cougar)
Jane’s Addiction
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Jenkins, Jerry B.
Jeter, Derek
Joel, Billy
John, Elton
Johnson, Calvin
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, “Magic”
Jones, George
Jones, K. C.
Jordan, Michael
Jung, Carl
Junod, Tom
“Just the Way You Are” (Joel)
Kaczynski, Ted
Keith, Toby
Kellogg, John and William
Kennedy, John F.
Kidman, Nicole
Kimmel, Jimmy
King, Carole
Lacey, Washington
LaHaye, Tim
Landry, Tom
“Laura” (Joel)
Led Zeppelin
Lee, Tommy
Left Behind(film)
Left Behind (Jenkins)
Linklater, Richard
Loeb, Lisa
Lopez, Dustin
Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Lakers
Love and Theft(Dylan)
“Love Is a Battlefield” (Benatar)
Lowe, Rob
Lucas, George
Lynch, David
MacKaye, Ian
Madman Across the Water(John)
Mailer, Norman
Maines, Natalie
Malkmus, Stephen
Man Show, The,
Maslow, Abraham
Mathis, Clint
Matrix, The
Maxwell, Cedric “Cornbread,”
“Maybe I’m Amazed” (McCartney)
McCarthy, Andrew
McCarthy, Jenny
McCartney, Paul
McHale, Kevin
McVeigh, Timothy
Meat Loaf
media (print); anger at; awards; bias; celebrity journalism; editorial page; objectivity; page designers; reporters, effect of job; sports reporters; tabloids
Media Virus(Rushkoff)
Miami Heat
Miller, Arthur
Minority Report
Monroe, Marilyn
Moody Blues
Moore, Demi
Morris, Desmond
Mötley Crüe
movies; author’s picks; criticism; cultural impact of; minor films; purpose; reality, explored in; reviews, value of; romantic expectations and; teen cultures, 1980s and; war with machines as theme
MTV: McCarthy, Jenny, The Real World
Mulholland Drive
Murray, Jon
Musburger, Brent
music: bluegrass; CD burning and; coolness greatness, pop artists; country; cultural impact of; drugs and; emotional manipulation and; Experience Music Project(EMP); grunge; lyrics; punk rock; rap; Real World, The use of; stereotypical feelings in; tribute bands; TV shows and groups; See also specific artists; groups
Mussolini, Benito
My So-Called Life
Nader, Ralph
Nash, Steve
Neis, Eric
Nelson, Judd
New England Patriots
New Orleans Jazz
Newman, Randy
Nicholson, Jack
Nicks, Stevie
“Night Prowler” (AC/DC)
“Night Train” (Guns N’ Roses)
Night Without Armor, A(Jewel)
Nine Inch Nails
No Depression (Uncle Tupelo)
Nolan, Christopher
Nuzum, Eric
Nylon Curtain, The(Joel)
Odd Couple
OK Computer(Radiohead)
Oklahoma City bombing
Omega Code, The
“One in a Million” (Guns N’ Roses)
“Paradise by the Dashboard Light”
(Meat Loaf)
Paradise City
“Paradise City” (Guns N’ Roses)
Pareles, Jon
Parental Advisory(Nuzum)
Parish, Robert
“Patience” (Guns N’ Roses)
Pearl Jam
Phair, Liz
Philadelphia 76ers
“Piano Man” (Joel)
Pirner, Dave
Pohlman, Rob
Portland Trail Blazers
“Pressure” (Joel)
Pretty Hate Machine (Nine Inch Nails)
Pulp Fiction
race issues: Lakers-Celtics rivalry; rap music; The Real World and
Rambis, Kurt
Ramirez, Richard “Night Stalker,”
Rapture, The
reality: movies and; TV and
Reality Bites
Reed, Lou
Reeves, Keanu
relationships: conversation, male vs. female; conversation vs. silence in; dating, discussions; fake love; friends; Harry-Met-Sally situation; introductory questions; “Just the Way You Are” and; lies; music and stereotypical feelings; Odd Couple; perfect girlfriend, overture; as power struggle; romance and media; roommates; television as model
religion:; athletes; born-again Christians; Catholicism; children and; ethics; Left Behind
Remini, Leah
Return of the Jedi
Reynolds, Simon
Richards, Denise
Riley, Pat
River of Dreams (Joel)
Rock, Kid
Rodman, Dennis
Rolling Stones
Rollins, Henry
Rollins, Tree
Rome, Jim
Rose, W. Axl
Rosenbaum, Ron
Roth, David Lee
“Runnin’ with the Devil” (Van Halen)
Rushkoff, Douglas
Russell, Jane
Ryan, Bob
Ryder, Winona
Sacramento Kings
St. Elmo’s Fire
St. Louis Rams
Sampson, Ralph
Sandler, Adam
Sanneh, Kelefa
Sarin, Victor
Saturday Night Fever
Saved by the Bell
Say Anything
“Scenes from an Italian Restaurant”(Joel)
Schauer, Mike
Scott, Byron
“Screen Door” (Uncle Tupelo)
Seidel, Martie
serial killers; classifications
sex: Celtics-Lakers and; cold cereal and; cultural icons; double standard; on Happy Days; live erotica; men’s magazines; pornography; 2/3 body ratio; video games and
Sex and the City
Seymour, Craig
“She’s in Love with the Boy” (Year-wood)
Sheedy, Ally
Sichting, Jerry
Sign of Four, The(Conan Doyle)
Silver Jews
Simpson, O. J.
Sims, The
Siskel, Gene
“Sleeping with the Television On”(Joel)
Smith, Kevin
“So It Goes” (Joel) soccer
solipsism, ix
Solondz, Todd
Soul Asylum
Spelling, Tori
Spielberg, Steven
sports: baseball; baseball, youth; basketball; born-again athletes; cultural icons; football; game vs.; Intimidation Culture; reporters; soccer; superstar dating
Springsteen, Bruce
“Stairway to Heaven” (Led Zeppelin)
Standing Hampton,(Hagar)
Star Trek
Star Wars
Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace
Steely Dan
Stewart, Rod
Stipe, Michael
Stone Temple Pilots
Stradlin, Izzy
Stranger, The (Joel)
Sweet, Matthew
Swiss, Thomas
Tastee Freeze
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, James
television: archetypes; college students and; criticism of; cultural impact; music groups and; postmodernism; print media response; reality and; reality shows; relationships shaped by; Saved by the Bell; See also specific TV shows
“There’s Your Trouble” (Dixie Chicks)
Thiessen, Tiffani-Amber
Thompson, David
Tolkin, Michael
Toney, Andrew
Toronto Raptors
Trask, Randy
Twain, Shania
Tweedy, Jeff
Uncle Tupelo
“Underwhelmed” (Sloan)
Van Halen
Vanilla Sky
video games; The Sims; violence and; virtual mentality of kids and
Voorhies, Lark
Wainwright, Rufus
Waking Life
Walton, Bill
“Wanted Dead or Alive” (Bon Jovi)
Warner, Kurt
Waterfield, Bob
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” (Joel)
Webber, Chris
Weber, Elizabeth
Weinstein, Deena
Weisbard, Eric
Welcome to the Dollhouse
When Harry Met Sally
“Where’s the Orchestra?” (Joel)
White Album, The (Beatles)
White Stripes
“Whole Lotta Love” (Led Zeppelin)
Wilkes, Jamaal
Williams, Buck
Williams, Lucinda
Williamson, John
Winningham, Mare
WMMS (Cleveland)
Wolk, Douglas
Wonder, Stevie
Wonder Years, The
Worthy, James
Wrath of Khan, The
Wright, Will
X-Files, The
Yearwood, Trisha
“You May Be Right” (Joel)
“You’re in My Heart” (Stewart)
Young, Bobby
Young, Neil
youth (teen) culture: moviess, 1980s; The Real World virtual mentality; See computers; movies; television
Zamora, Pedro
Zander, Robin
Zodiac killer